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Posts Tagged ‘Medical Specialties

The 5 things you should know about chronic pain from

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Only sufferers of chronic pain know the implications of pain in every aspect of life. Family members and friends of someone with chronic pain may sympathize to some extent, but it’s difficult to truly understand how chronic pain affects someone. If you have a friend or family member suffering from chronic pain — whether caused by an accident or injury, or another health condition such asfibromyalgia — use these tips to understanding chronic pain to help you be most supportive to your loved one.

1.Don’t pass chronic pain off as “all in your head.” People who suffer from chronic pain are rarely fabricating or exaggerating their symptoms. Conditions causing chronic pain can make an individual truly miserable. Many cases of chronic pain are difficult to diagnose, and thus management and treatment is far more challenging than in cases of acute pain, where the source of pain is easily diagnosed.

2.Chronic pain is different from acute pain. Acute pain lasts for a brief period of time, perhaps following an injury or accident. Chronic pain, on the other hand, is persistent and can even be permanent. We have all felt acute pain at some point in time, but only those with chronic pain know what it is to be in pain constantly.

3.Chronic pain may be caused by or the cause of other health conditions. Difficulty sleeping and depression are two conditions that often plague sufferers of chronic pain. Chronic pain can create a vicious cycle for the sufferer, for example: chronic pain leads to sleep disturbances, whereas lack of sleep can exacerbate chronic pain. The same is true of depression; it can be caused by or the cause of some chronic pain symptoms.

4.Every person’s pain is different. We all experience and express pain differently. Some people may be more tolerant of pain in specific parts of the body, while other people may express discomfort with pain in the same area or caused by the same condition.

5.Chronic pain is emotionally exhausting. Imagine that you are in pain or don’t feel good for months or years on end, with no relief. Constant pain wears on the emotions and can lead to depression and anger. Treatment for chronic pain often means treating each symptom and effect of that pain, including mental health issues such as depression.

Chronic pain is a lonely condition. If someone you know or love is suffering from chronic pain, don’t try to compare their pain to your own experiences, or assume their pain is all made up. Rather, offer your care and support. Be willing to listen when they need to talk and supportive throughout treatment programs.

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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

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Minimally Invasive Surgery:

Recent surgical advancements have focused on performing surgery through smaller incisions, with less disruption to surrounding soft-tissues. The idea behind minimally invasive surgery is to perform the same treatment without damage to normal surrounding tissues. The drawback of minimally invasive surgery is that sometimes the underlying problem may not be adequately addressed because of an inability to get to the problem. Whenever a new minimally invasive procedure is introduced, there is almost always controversy as to whether or not the procedure is as good as traditional surgery.

Endoscopic Spine Surgery:

Endoscopic spine surgery uses specialized video equipment inserted through small incisions to see the structures of the spine. Similar to arthroscopic surgery of a joint, endoscopic surgery has advanced over the past decade from merely being able to look to the area of interest, to the ability to repair and reconstruct a variety of complex problems.The benefit of endoscopic spine surgery is the potential to address problems through very small incisions. By not damaging the muscles around the spine, recovery can often be much faster than with a larger surgical exposure.

Microdiscectomy, Microlaminectomy and Microforamenotomy:

All of these micro-surgeries are variations of standard surgeries used to take pressure off of the nerves around the spinal cord. Traditionally done through larger incisions, the micro procedures use smaller incisions and specialized surgical instruments to accomplish the same goals of traditional surgery.There is no rule on where the line between traditional surgery and micro surgery is drawn. To some doctors this means a smaller incision, to others it means the use of special surgical instruments. Many variations of a procedure could be considered micro surgery.

Laser Spine Surgery:

Laser spine surgery is a technique that uses a laser to remove damaged tissues. Because a laser can be inserted through small incisions, it can be used to cut away damaged tissues (such as disc fragments) without having to make a large incision.There is significant controversy about laser spine surgery as this technique has not been shown to have significant benefits, despite advertising that may make you think otherwise. Often marketed in magazines and the Internet, laser spine surgery has become the focus of some lawsuits formisleading patients about expected results from surgery.

Is It Better?:

Is minimally invasive surgery better? There are many ways to answer this question. The bottom line is that we simply do not know. There are theoretic advantages, and there are possible downsides. But there are very few studies that compare the possible risks with the potential benefits of minimally invasive surgery.The bottom line I suggest is to find a surgeon who, above all, is interested in fixing your problem, not someone who is selling you on a smaller incision. If the same benefit can be achieved without damage to normal tissues, then minimally invasive surgery may be a good option.


Mathews HH and Long BH “Minimally Invasive Techniques for the Treatment of Intervertebral Disk Herniation” J. Am. Acad. Orthop. Surg., March/April 2002; 10: 80 – 85.

Become Pain Free | Pain Specialist in Texas

Adult Stem Cell Therapy to Treat Back Pain, Stem Cell, Spine Stem Cells, Stem Cell Treatment

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Adult Stem Cell Therapy that doesn’t require FDA approval to treat lumbar and cervical spine conditions resulting from injury or aging, and is also involved with an FDA clinical trial investigating the use of Adult Stem Cells.

Stem Cell

Stem Cell

These stem cells are autologous – they are taken from an adult patient and returned to that same patient in a concentrated form to the damaged area in a 30-minute procedure. This type of adult stem cell therapy does not require FDA approval to administer.

When it comes to stem cells, there is often a lot of mystique surrounding them.  We hear from the media that we can create a human being out of a bundle of cells, which is not necessarily true.  We also tend to look at embryonic stem cells as being the only type of stem cell.  With these types of embryonic stem cells, one idea is to be able to create a liver or kidney in a Petri dish, which is not controllable or feasible at this point, and the work being done by the medical group.

When we look at stem cell types, we have embryonic stem cells on one hand and adult stem cells on the other.  The characteristics of each of these are not like other cells.  For instance, a liver cell can divide but it will only ever be a liver cell.  These stem cells, both embryonic and adult, can turn into different types of cells.  The embryonic stem cells can really turn into any cell type, but adult stem cells are limited as far as the cells they can turn into.  This depends upon environment or niche and what they are already programmed to become.  A lot of people think there is a lot of promise with embryonic stem cells and there is, although we are not quite there yet.

We are still at the forefront of stem cell technology and embryonic stem cells in particular. With those cells, we do not have the ability to control what types of tissue they turn into. For example, we could be trying to manipulate these cells to turn into kidneys, but they might start to develop as pancreatic cells, which is troublesome.  Another key with all stem cells is that they can proliferate quite a bit, usually at a higher rate than just a regular somatic cell.  Although this sounds good at first glance, the issue with this, particularly with embryonic stem cells, is we cannot control that division.  Hence, these cells can keep going and going without dying.  In the normal bodily process, cells are programmed to die after a certain time, but these embryonic stem cells can evade that action and continue dividing, which takes on the characteristic of cancer cells.  In some animal studies, an issue that keeps arising is development of tumors in some of these animals. It is difficult to predict if tumors are going to form when using some sort of embryonic stem cell treatment.  This is still a scary area through which we are still trying to navigate.

However, the focus of the medical group is on adult mesenchymal stem cells. On the whole, the media does not give a lot of attention to these kinds of stem cells, as using them avoids any kind of ethical or controversial issues. There is a great amount of research being done on adult mesenchymal stem cells, however, because they are very powerful.

First off, we can control what cell type they turn into much more easily.  For example, the treatment used by the medical group focuses on Mesenchymal precursor cells (MPC).  Mesenchymal means these cells are not going to turn into any kind of blood product such as a red blood cell or white blood cell, although they are derived from bone marrow.  The fact that they are precursor cells means these MPCs are only going to differentiate into one of a few cell types.  They are either going to become bone cells, i.e., osteoblasts, or chondrocytes, i.e., cartilaginous tissue such that we see in intervertebral discs and joints, etc.  All of that really depends on the environment in which we place these adult stem cells where it is well suited to do this.  For example, we can inject these MPCs into a bone fracture, and because the cells are surrounded by bone tissue, these cells will receive signals from the surrounding cells that tell them to turn into bone. However, the cells we use will be injected into a disc or joint, and the cells composing the disc and joint tissue will signal the stem cells to develop into similar tissue.  Again, there is no chance of any sort of pancreatic cell or nerve cell type spontaneously forming because we are using certain adult stem cell types, which are limited and cannot turn into anything like that.  In addition, as the tissue surrounding the disc and joint is relatively avascular, there is not really any worry of these cells migrating through the blood stream to somewhere else in the body and causing any sort of problem.  As far as the proliferation issue with embryonic stem cells, we have not seen this issue with adult stem cells in terms of dividing exponentially without ceasing.  There is almost a preset limit to how many times these adult stem cells will divide.

Become Pain Free | Pain Specialist in Texas


Mayo Clinic, Spine Surgeon, Mayo Clinic Back Surgeon, Mayo Clinic Pain, Mayo Clinic Fellowship Trained Surgeon, Mayo Clinic Doctor, Mayo Clinic Back pain

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We have two spine surgeons in our group and one on the way from the world famous Mayo Clinic. These Mayo Clinic surgeons are some of the best in the United States of America both of these Mayo Clinic trained doctors work in Texas. Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio we ave you covered with Mayo Clinic trained spine surgeons. Here is the information on these doctors below.Check out our website at

Call Us: (214) 396-3647 | (888) 373-3720
Fax #:  (888)238-9155 | E-mail Us

Steven J. Cyr, M.D., FAAOS

Mayo Clinic Trained Spine Physician

Steven J. Cyr, M.D., FAAOS 

Steven J. Cyr, M.D., is a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon who received extensive training to specialize in the delicate science of Spine Surgery. Anyone who knows Dr. Cyr well will tell you that he is a man driven for quality and excellence. His high standards can be seen throughout his educational process and career.
He received top honors at Southwest Texas State University by graduating Summa Cum Laude and Valedictorian with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. In addition to rigorous academics, he was also a member of the Bobcat football team during his three years at SWTSU.

Dr. Cyr gained early acceptance into medical school and earned his MD from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. He then began his service to the United States Air Force with a transitional internship at Wilford Hall Medical Center. He served the air force community as a flight surgeon for two years before beginning residency training in orthopaedic surgery at Wilford Hall.

Following residency, Dr. Cyr was honored to be chosen from among the country’s top residents as the only fellow for the highly competitive and prestigious spine fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. This training program has ranked number one for orthopaedic and neurosurgical training programs in America for the last 20 years. Mayo combines these two fields, giving their surgeons an understanding of nerve and spine function unparalleled in most other programs.

Upon completion of his fellowship, Dr. Cyr and his family moved back to San Antonio, where he served the military population as the Chief of Air Force Spine Surgery and Spine Surgery Consultant to the Surgeon General of the Air Force. For six years, Dr. Cyr taught future air force orthopaedic surgeons in residency at Wilford Hall and has twice served our war wounded in Iraq at the Air Force Theater Hospital in Balad.

He has brought innovative techniques to the military and was the first to perform the total disc replacement procedure as well as endoscopic spinal surgery. He specializes in complicated spine issues and has gained notoriety for successful repairs of failed surgeries on patients from numerous other states and around the world. Dr. Cyr’s expertise and skills are now available to civilian patients at the Orthopaedic and Spine Institute, where his passion for excellence and quality keep him at the leading edge of spine surgery.

Mayo Clinic Trained Spine Physician

Dr. Venkat Sethuraman M.D. 

2 (1)

Mayo Fellowship Trained Board-Certified Spine Surgeon
Minimally Invasive Spine Specialist

Education Undergraduate: Rutgers College, New Brunswick, NJ

Medical: Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Training Orthopaedic Surgery

Residency: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Spine

Fellowship: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Hospital Affiliations Baylor Irving Medical Center Irving Coppell Surgical Center Irving


Coppell :

2021 N. MacArthur Blvd 400 West IH 635 Bldg. @, Suite 115


Plaza 1, Suite 200
Irving, TX 75061
Irving, TX 75063


2301 Marsh Lane,
Plano, TX 75093


Listing Details

2021 N. MacArthur Blvd, IrvingTx, 75061
 Call Us: (214) 396-3647 | (888) 373-3720
Fax #:  (888)238-9155 | E-mail Us

Physician Specialist Dallas, Physician Specialist Fort Worth, Physician Specialist , Pain Management, Pain Management Doctor Dallas, Pain Management Dr., Pain Management Texas

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Pain in acute myocardial infarction (rear)

Pain in acute myocardial infarction (rear) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) is an established Medical Group in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston TX. specializing in pain management doctors.  Our physicians in our group utilize a variety of medically proven techniques and therapies to address the medical concerns of our patients, and assist in pain control and management.

Call Us: (214) 396-3647 | (888) 373-3720
Fax #:  (888)238-9155 | E-mail Us

We at the believe that the patient’s comfort is and always should be the number one concern!  If you are in pain we will see you today Our physicians in our group offer comprehensive treatment options, ranging in scope from diagnostic, homeopathic, therapeutic,  chiropractic, Pain injections, surgery, neurology,  pharmaceuticals and pain pills.  We work closely with our patients and take their needs and desires into consideration during the course of evaluation, counseling and treatment services.

Everyone experiences some sort of pain at one point or another during the time of there life. It’s often an indication that something is wrong with your health.

Each individual person is the best judge of his or her own pain. Feelings of pain can range from mild and occasional to severe and constant pains.

What Is Acute Pain or Chronic Pain?

Acute pain normally begins suddenly and is usually sharp in quality. It serves as a warning of disease or a threat to the body system. Acute pain may be caused by many events or circumstances, such as:

Acute pain may be mild and last just a moment or so, or it may be severe and last for weeks or months even years. In most cases, acute pain does not last longer than six months and it disappears when the underlying cause of pain has been treated or has healed. Unrelieved acute pain, however, may lead to chronic pain.

Call Us: (214) 396-3647 | (888) 373-3720
Fax #:  (888)238-9155 | E-mail Us

Pain, Back Pain, Injections to Manage Pain, Epidural Injections, ESI, Interventional Pain

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Written by becomepainfree

January 13, 2013 at 11:18 pm

Pain, Back Pain, Any Pain, What is Pain Management?

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Pain in acute myocardial infarction (rear)

Pain in acute myocardial infarction (rear) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pain management is a medical specialty that’s called pain medicine.  Pain medicine specialists treat all types of pain problems for patients, and pain defined as acute and chronic pain.  Spine and Neurosurgeons are one type of specialist/expert trained to diagnose and treat pains.  The goal of pain management is to improve your quality of life, which includes helping you be more functional and active.

Acute and chronic pain

Pain can be classified as acute or chronic.  Acute pain can become chronic.

  • Acute pain begins quickly or suddenly and can be severe. It is short-lived sometimes lasting a few hours or days.  Acute pain is classified as pain that does not persist longer than 3 months usually.
    Example: post-operative pain
  • Chronic pain is characterized by its persistence. This type of pain lasts longer than 3 to 6 months.  The intensity of pain varies from mild to severe.
    Example: osteoarthritis (spondylosis)

A Pain evaluation

Your medical history and physical and neurological examinations are very important to what the doctor discovers.  You and your doctor discuss your pain and symptoms, their severity, when they started, and treatments tried.  The doctor tests your reflexes and evaluates you for muscle weakness, loss of feeling, and signs of neurological injury.

  • Has pain changed over time? Intensity, duration. Level?
  • Does anything help to relieve your pains?
  • What makes the pains worse?
  • List current medications and herbal or vitamin supplements taken.

Your pain—its intensity, duration and other characteristics—is unique to you.  Your doctor wants to understand your pain.  Your doctor provides tools to help you explain your pain.

  1. A Pain drawing.  An illustration of the front and back of the body is provided.  On it, you can mark where you feel pain and describe the type in each location.  Descriptive terms include burning, dull, throbbing, sharp, tingling, and weakness.
  2. Pain scale. Rate your pain on a scale from zero to 10. Zero represents no pain and 10 the worst pain imaginable.
  3. Pain diary. A record of your pain and symptoms.  The diary helps you and your doctor to identify pain patterns, which treatments relieve pain, or activities that exacerbate symptoms.

To diagnose the cause of your pain and its source, your doctor orders tests.  C.T. or M.R.I. scans, or myelography enhance the surgeon’s examination of your nerve roots and spinal cord area.  Other studies your doctor may perform include testing your nerves and muscles; nerve conduction study NCV (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) needle EMG, respectively.

Spinal injections can obtain diagnostic information about the nerves associated with your pain. Many types of spinal injections provide valuable diagnostic information such as a Selective Nerve Root Blocks.


Your pain management  program is tailored to meet your needs.  Your doctor considers several factors.

  • Pain type and history of the patient
  • Your general health and disorders/disease
  • Your mental health and well being
  • History of substance abuse
  • Your family situation and mental well being
  • Most importantly, your preferences for care

Treatment options

Pain management often involves a combination of many therapies.  You may learn that a previous treatment that didn’t relieve pain is now effective when added to a different therapy.  Pain specialists talk with patients to manage their expectations. Complete pain relief may not be possible.


The Possible risks, side effects

Any medical treatment has potential risks and side effects.  Most pain management treatments pose little or few risks.  Risks and side effects are often drug-related. Your doctor will thoughtfully and carefully inform you about possible risks and side effects associated with his treatment recommendations.

Can you live without pain?

Please keep in mind that there are many ways to control pain and improve your quality of life.  Many patients live with unnecessary pain—talk to you doctor today about how you can live with less or no pain.

Check out  today for a evaluation

Written by becomepainfree

January 13, 2013 at 9:15 pm

Pain, Back Pain, Spine Pain, The Solution to Pain is Now Available Online by

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English: Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota - Gon...

English: Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota – Gonda Building + part of Mayo Building from cafeteria (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Quote start“…acute and chronic pain of any type can be physically as well as mentally disabling. This web site provides patients with real resources to solve their issue with pain”. Dr. Venkat Sethuraman M.DQuote end

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) December 17, 2012

Become Pain Free, a subsidiary of ACO America, an accountable care organization that tracks and organizes patient outcomes – has launched a new web site, Become Pain Free is a consumer friendly site for and provides information regarding the most innovative, advanced, minimally invasive procedures available to assist patients in their efforts to find solutions to their acute or chronic pain. Become Pain Frees ever-growing assembly of doctors (currently close to 200) are enthusiastic about the group and their new website. The medical providers at Become Pain Free have trained at the most prestigious medical facilities and/or training programs in the country.

The web site’s group of physicians includes some of the best surgeons in Texas:

  •     Venkat Sethuraman, M.D.]. – One of Two Mayo Clinic Trained Spine Surgeons in Texas.
  •     Neil Shah, M.D. – Stanford Trained Spine Surgeon
  •     Ken Lee, M.D. – UCLA Trained Spine Surgeon
  •     Steve Cyr, M.D. – One of Two Mayo Clinic Trained Spine Surgeons in Texas, former Chief of Air Force Spine Surgery, former Spine Surgery Consultant to the Surgeon General of the Air Force, served two tours of duty in Iraq.
  •     Jeff Wasserman, M.D., MBA – Harvard Mass General Trained in Anesthesia/Pain Mgmt
  •     Charles Toulson, M.D. – Johns Hopkins Trained and the only Center of Excellence in Joint Replacement in Dallas and Collin Counties to receive the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for health care quality.

The clinical staff at Become Pain Free offers a free MRI or CT evaluation. They review cases and directly communicate with the person to point them in the right direction for their care needs. Mark J. Laning, D.C., OPA-C – voted for inclusion of Consumer Research Council of Americas top Chiropractors, 2009 and 2004 – explains, “While many of our patients seek us out for back pain (close to 80% of adults will suffer some kind of back pain in their lifetime), Become Pain Free can aid patients with the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome as well as neck, shoulder, foot/ ankle, knee and pelvic pain just to name a few” he explains. Laning continues “Become Pain Frees group of doctors are experts with specialty training in pain management from head to toe. “

Venkat Sethuraman, M.D. a Mayo Fellowship Trained Board-Certified Spine Surgeon and Minimally Invasive Spine Specialist clarifies “As a doctor my goal is to help as many people as I can to lead happy, healthy lives, acute and chronic pain of any type can be physically as well as mentally disabling. This web site provides patients with real resources to solve their issue with pain”.

With 22 physical medicine clinics offices located throughout the Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston and San Antonio area plus more than 38 specialist ranging from OBGYN to orthopedics including ENTs, podiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, general surgery, neurological surgery, Become Pain Free is able to serve a large community of patients. “We are excited to bring this service to Texas and looking forward to helping patients to eliminate their pain” summarizes, Laning.

For a new doctor today goto or

Written by becomepainfree

January 12, 2013 at 8:09 pm


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ModelloDolore (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pain can be always be helpful in diagnosing a problem. Without a pain, you might seriously hurt yourself without knowing it, or you might not realize you have a medical problem that needs treatment. Once you take care of the problem, pain usually goes away. However, sometimes pain goes on for weeks, months or even years.

Sometimes chronic pain is due to an ongoing cause, such as cancer or arthritis. Sometimes the cause is unknown.

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