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The 5 things you should know about chronic pain from

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Only sufferers of chronic pain know the implications of pain in every aspect of life. Family members and friends of someone with chronic pain may sympathize to some extent, but it’s difficult to truly understand how chronic pain affects someone. If you have a friend or family member suffering from chronic pain — whether caused by an accident or injury, or another health condition such asfibromyalgia — use these tips to understanding chronic pain to help you be most supportive to your loved one.

1.Don’t pass chronic pain off as “all in your head.” People who suffer from chronic pain are rarely fabricating or exaggerating their symptoms. Conditions causing chronic pain can make an individual truly miserable. Many cases of chronic pain are difficult to diagnose, and thus management and treatment is far more challenging than in cases of acute pain, where the source of pain is easily diagnosed.

2.Chronic pain is different from acute pain. Acute pain lasts for a brief period of time, perhaps following an injury or accident. Chronic pain, on the other hand, is persistent and can even be permanent. We have all felt acute pain at some point in time, but only those with chronic pain know what it is to be in pain constantly.

3.Chronic pain may be caused by or the cause of other health conditions. Difficulty sleeping and depression are two conditions that often plague sufferers of chronic pain. Chronic pain can create a vicious cycle for the sufferer, for example: chronic pain leads to sleep disturbances, whereas lack of sleep can exacerbate chronic pain. The same is true of depression; it can be caused by or the cause of some chronic pain symptoms.

4.Every person’s pain is different. We all experience and express pain differently. Some people may be more tolerant of pain in specific parts of the body, while other people may express discomfort with pain in the same area or caused by the same condition.

5.Chronic pain is emotionally exhausting. Imagine that you are in pain or don’t feel good for months or years on end, with no relief. Constant pain wears on the emotions and can lead to depression and anger. Treatment for chronic pain often means treating each symptom and effect of that pain, including mental health issues such as depression.

Chronic pain is a lonely condition. If someone you know or love is suffering from chronic pain, don’t try to compare their pain to your own experiences, or assume their pain is all made up. Rather, offer your care and support. Be willing to listen when they need to talk and supportive throughout treatment programs.

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How to Prevent Migraines

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Throbbing headache. Blurred vision. Sensitivity to light and sound. Nausea. Sound familiar? At least 16 to 17 percent of the world’s population will experience a migraine at some point in their lives, but for many, migraines are a part of daily life.

A migraine can be simply debilitating, when all you can think about is getting to a dark, quiet place to lie down and rest. Migraines can mean missing work or school, and even missing out on important, they-only-happen-once, life events.

There are some medications that can reduce the number and severity of migraines, but lifestyle changes are also strongly recommended to help prevent and/or alleviate the pain associated with migraines. If you suffer from migraines, try these migraine prevention tips.

If you suffer from chronic migraines, talk with your doctor about pain management and lifestyle changes that may help reduce your headache main.

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San Antonio Spine Surgeon, San Antonio Back Doctor, Mayo Clinic Trained Spine Surgeon, Bexar County Orthopedic Surgeon

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Become Pain Free | Pain Specialist in Texas

Written by becomepainfree

February 17, 2013 at 9:25 pm

Posted in About Laser Spine Surgery, ACDF, Adult Stem Cell Therapy, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Another Chance at Life, Anterior cervical discectomy, Back Pain Relief, Back pain sufferers, Back Surgeon Texas, Best Spine Doc in Texas, Best Spine Doctor, Central Cord Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Complex regional pain syndrome, Comprehensive list of advanced minimally invasive procedures, cts, Discectomy and Stabilization, Endoscopic and Laser Spine Surgery, Failed back surgery syndrome, fellowship in Disorders of the Spine, fellowship trained Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon, Fellowship-trained spine surgeons, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Injured on the Job, injured workers, Innovative pain mapping process, interventional therapies, Laser Back Surgery, laser spine procedures, Laser Spine Surgery, Low back pain, Lumbar and Cervical Radiofrequency, Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic Spine Surgeon, Mayo Clinic Trained Surgeons, Medical Education, Microdiscectomy, Minimal Access Spinal Technologies, MINIMALLY INVASIVE, minimally invasive disc healing, Minimally Invasive Laser Spine Surgery | Spine Surgeons | Dallas, minimally invasive procedures, Minimally Invasive Spine, minimally invasive spine procedures, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Minimally Invasive Stabilization, Minimally Invasive Surgery, MIS, Myofascial pain syndrome, Natural and Ethical, Neck pain, Neck Pain Treatment Texas, Neuropathic Pain, non-invasive procedures, North American Spine Society, Obese Patients, Open Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Overuse Injuries, Pain, pain disorders, Pain Doctor, Pain Doctor Texas, Pain Doctors, Pain Dr, pain management, Pain Medicine, Pain Prevention, Painful nerve injuries, Painful osteoarthritis, patients’ own stem cells, Pelvic pain/Genital pain, posterior spinal fusion, Proven Results, PRP, Radicular Syndrome, Radiofrequency Ablation and Lesioning, Regenerative Medicine, Robotic Guided Spine Surgery, Robotic Spine Surgery, Safe and Effective:, San Antonio Spine Surgeon, Scoliosis, Spine Surgery Robot, sports injuries, Stem Cell Therapy, stem cells, surgical treatment of spinal disorders, Texas, Texas Health Pain, Texas Spine Consultants, Top Back Doctors, Top Docs, Top Spine Dr in the USA, Top Texas Surgeons, Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy, True minimally invasive procedures, Tx Top Spine Dr, Work Comp Injury, Workers Compensation Injury

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Spine Surgeon Dallas, Mayo Clinic Trained Spine Surgeon, Back Doctor, Spine Pain Doctor

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Become Pain Free | Pain Specialist in Texas

Written by becomepainfree

February 17, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Posted in Back Pain Plano, Back Pain Relief, Back pain sufferers, Back Surgeon Texas, Best Spine Doc in Texas, Best Spine Doctor, Chronic Pain, Complex regional pain syndrome, Dallas Doctors, Dallas Texas Pain Doctor, Discectomy and Stabilization, Endoscopic and Laser Spine Surgery, Failed back surgery syndrome, fellowship in Disorders of the Spine, fellowship trained Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon, Fellowship-trained spine surgeons, Fibromyalgia, Fort Worth Orthopedic Surgeon, Headache, Injured on the Job, Innovative pain mapping process, interventional therapies, Laser Back Surgery, laser spine procedures, Laser Spine Surgery, Low back pain, Lumbar and Cervical Radiofrequency, Lumbar Microdiscectomy, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic Spine Surgeon, Mayo Clinic Trained Surgeons, Medical Education, Microdiscectomy, Minimal Access Spinal Technologies, MINIMALLY INVASIVE, minimally invasive disc healing, Minimally Invasive Laser Spine Surgery | Spine Surgeons | Dallas, minimally invasive procedures, Minimally Invasive Spine, minimally invasive spine procedures, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Minimally Invasive Stabilization, Minimally Invasive Surgery, MIS, Myofascial pain syndrome, Neck pain, Neck Pain Treatment Texas, Neuropathic Pain, non-invasive procedures, Obese Patients, Open Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Overuse Injuries, Pain, pain disorders, Pain Doctor, Pain Doctor Dallas, Pain Doctor Fort Worth, Pain Doctor Irving, Pain Doctor Plano, Pain Doctor Texas, Pain Doctors, Pain Dr, pain management, Pain Medicine, Pain Prevention, Painful nerve injuries, Painful osteoarthritis, patients’ own stem cells, Positive Side Effects, posterior spinal fusion, Proven Results, PRP, Radicular Syndrome, Radiofrequency Ablation and Lesioning, Regenerative Medicine, Robotic Guided Spine Surgery, Robotic Spine Surgery, Safe and Effective:, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Spinal cord injury spasticity and pain, Spinal Fusion, Spinal Stenosis, Spine Microdiscectomy, Spine Pain Plano, Spine Surgery, Spine Surgery Addison, Spine Surgery Coppell, Spine Surgery Dallas, Spine Surgery Doctor, Spine Surgery Houston, Spine Surgery McKinney, Spine Surgery Mesquite, Spine Surgery Plano, Spine Surgery Robot, sports injuries, Stem Cell Therapy, stem cells, surgical treatment of spinal disorders, Texas Health Pain, Top Back Doctors, Top Docs, Top Spine Dr in the USA, Top Texas Surgeons, Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy, True minimally invasive procedures, Tx Top Spine Dr, Uncategorized, Work Comp Injury, Workers Compensation Injury

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Stem Cells for Spine Surgery: 7 Points

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Written by  Laura Miller | May 23, 2012

Become Pain Free | Pain Specialist in Texas

Here are seven points about using biologics and stem cells during spine surgery from Richard Hynes, MD, President of The B.A.C.K. Center in Melbourne, Florida.

How we got here

Dr. Hynes was one of the many spine surgeons who participated in Medtronic’s original trials for BMP-2 in the 1990’s.  While scientists have known about the ability of stem cells and BMP to generate bone for several years, Medtronic was the first company to develop a safe and effective molecule to stimulate cell growth.  After completing the pre-market approval trials, the Food and Drug Administration granted approval for the BMP-2 product, Infuse, in 2002 for creating fusion in the Lumbar Spine placed through an anterior approach in a LT cage.

“In the original study, I experienced 100 percent of enrolled patients in my Practice achieving bone growth when combining BMP with the local cells that were already there,” says Dr. Hynes.  “Local ‘stem cells’ respond to BMP and become activated thereby creating bone.  When I saw it worked in 100 percent of my enrolled patients, I was a true believer.  I have used it in my practice since the study and FDA approval going back greater than 10 years.”

What has changed is our ability to concentrate stem cells; Dr. Hynes harvests the stem cells from the iliac crest to combine with the BMP.  It takes less than five minutes for his physician’s assistant to harvest the cells, which are spun in a centrifuge while he begins the operation.  After 10-15 minutes, the cells are ready and Dr. Hynes adds a small amount to the surgical field along with the BMP.  The collagen sponge is placed within an interbody LT cage to keep the material from migrating.

“This has been an effective Bone Graft method and it has been an advantage for my patients who can avoid Iliac Bone Graft surgery and Donor Bone issues and cost,” says Dr. Hynes.  “It doesn’t add to my usual procedure time.  It does add a small cost, but I find it’s worth the value proposition.”

Since its inception and release, surgeons have been experimenting with its use in several different capacities, on- and off-label.  However, articles published in The Spine Journal in July 2011 suggest complication rates may be higher than the original studies reported.  Several physicians have reported positive and negative events based on individual practice date, and further research into its use will be necessary going forward.  As with all products, on label and off label use is routine practice and common place.  When used correctly, minimal side effects of swelling, seroma and osteolysis occur.

What the research says

There have been several clinical studies and basic science research projects published in professional journals discussing the efficacy of using BMP with local stem cells to enhance fusion.  However, research on the impact of increasing the number of stem cells is still lacking.  Dr. Hynes’ current clinical work focuses on whether there is a better chance of achieving fusion with a higher concentration of stem cells.

He harvests stem cells from the iliac crest, percutaneously and painlessly, or vertebral body and extract about 60-80 ccs of blood.  The desired stem cells are concentrated to a few ccs with centrifugation and has about a 50,000 cell count per “Spine Smith research data.”

“We already know the mechanism by which BMP-2 activates stem cells.  The stem cells are already very effective,” says Dr. Hynes.  “If we add to the population of stem cells that are already there that are available to regenerate new bone, it could make the procedure even better.  Anecdotally, I have a high fusion rate for my spine patient population even before adding the extra concentration of stem cells.  With the additional stem cells, I hope to achieve fusion at almost any level no matter how many levels are needed such as in degenerative scoliosis.  In osteoporosis and aging spine patients, this has been extremely beneficial when compared to poor iliac crest from bone harvest.

Dr. Hynes’ ethereal practice goal is to someday be able to “guarantee” that they will achieve fusion for every patient who undergoes surgery.  This means stabilization.  However, fusion does not guarantee “success” of the surgery but increases odds of the surgical success.  At this point, he is close, with approximately a 95 percent fusion rate.  “What I want to do before I retire is to be able to guarantee a fusion,” he says.  “I can’t guarantee pain relief or other clinical outcomes, but I want to be able to confidently guarantee the fusion or stabilization component.”

Options for harvesting stem cells

There are several bone graft options spine surgeons can choose from to achieve a fusion, and in the wake of recent controversies some surgeons are looking for an alternative to using BMP.  Surgeons can go back to the traditional fusion method – the iliac crest – or using an allograft.  Dr. Hynes says harvesting bone from the iliac crest can leave 30 percent of patients in more pain and add significant surgical time in the OR with increased blood loss.  Allografts also have downsides, including graft consistency, quality, processing issues and less potential to achieve fusion than iliac crest or autogenous grafting methods.

“The bone for allografts may not be prepared correctly,” says Dr. Hynes.  “We don’t always know the quality or consistency of the allograft compared to the patient’s natural bone.  If I’m putting a piece of bone in patients, it’s better if it comes from their own bodies.  That way, you can’t tell the difference between the bone you grow and the natural bone.  (What we are doing is creating a nice bone graft that balances the biomechanics of the fusion construct better than the allograft.)”

In some cases, the allograft bone could migrate or fracture or reabsorb after the procedure, which can cause significant pain and complications, often resulting in revision procedures.  By using the combination of BMP and stem cells in an interbody device, Dr. Hynes is able to avoid most of those complications because the cells are attracted to the BMP, which is restrained in the cage.

Patients should have the final say – “Informed Consent”!

Like many surgeons, Dr. Hynes describes the different fusion options to his patients and allows them to choose which procedure they feel most comfortable with.  He discusses the pros and cons of each technique, including the most recent concerns about BMP, as well as his personal outcomes.  He says patients often choose BMP combined with stem cells because they like the idea of regenerating their own bone naturally, avoiding the extra surgery and potential pain of iliac crest bone grafts and decreased potential or effect of donor allograft bone.

“The psychology of healing is part of this,” says Dr. Hynes.  “Patients understand the procedure and like the idea of using their own cells as healing factors.  People are very positive about that process because they feel like they are doing something natural instead of synthetic.  Healing and surgery isn’t just biomechanics and science; it’s psychological as well.  Successful outcomes of surgery depend on subjective relief as well as objective factors.”

In his practice, Dr. Hynes says a significant number of his patients chose the BMP and stem cell combination with given the option.  However, when the patients choose a different option, he performs the other procedures as well.  “It’s our duty to give patients their choice,” he says.  “I’m not always smart enough to know what the best choice is for any one individual, but I’ve practiced many years and learned that if you take time to educate patients to all the reasonable options, they will make good decisions and take responsibility for them.”

Deciphering the complications

While Dr. Hynes hasn’t experienced significant complications among his patients, it’s clear that other surgeons have reported complications when they perform spinal fusions using BMPs.  One reason for the discrepancy could be the dosage; well-documented evidence suggests that a higher dosage of BMP could cause swelling complications when used in the cervical spine.  By using low doses of BMP and a pre and post-surgical protocol, swelling is completely avoidable in the cervical spine.  Another factor is the surgical approach; Dr. Hynes says retrograde ejaculation (“RE”) – one of the severe complications mentioned in the studies this past summer – is a complication risk of any anterior spine surgery and not related to use of BMP.  “I have performed thousands of anterior procedures before and after approval of BMP for anterior lumbar surgery and I find no difference in RE noted in my patients.”

“Every spine surgeon knows RE is a risk during anterior procedures and it usually will reverse on its own,” says Dr. Hynes.  “RE occurs in an extremely low frequency.  RE occurs because of disruption ‘surgically’ of small nerves to a sphincterine the bladder.  BMP does not cause this effect, but the use of the electrocautery tool, during surgery, likely does.  Use a small dose of BMP and a cage as well.”

In his practice, Dr. Hynes has never experienced a critical airway complication using cervical BMP.  In early years, too high a dose would lead to swelling but not airway compromise which more commonly occurs with hematoma or blood clot, says Dr. Hynes.  Papers published in The Spine Journal also mention cancer as an associated complication, which is something he hasn’t necessarily noted either.  “I haven’t seen a rash of cancer in my patients, but I haven’t been surveying for it either,” he says.

He is currently going through his patient base to determine whether he can detect any cancer cases that could be associated with the procedure.

Whether to use BMPs

As surgeons report different findings based on their individual practice data, many of the studies and discrepancies have been reported in the media.  However, full understanding of these complex issues is often lost in news reports.  “I hate to see some of the surgeons and journals duking it out in the media,” says Dr. Hynes.  “That isn’t the place to argue over the efficacy of stem cells and BMPs.  We have to do it in the meetings where people understand the context.  To lay this out in the newspapers exacerbates political agendas and confuses our patients.  We need to speak honestly with each other about this at professional and scientific meetings, not in the press.”

This controversy isn’t the first time new spinal technology and procedures have been under attack.  For a period of time, pedicle screws – which are a standard of care now – were under the microscope because complications were reported.  In some instances, surgeons were sued and restricted from use at their hospitals for their alleged unfavorable outcomes.  Now pedicle screws are the mainstay of spinal fusion procedures.

“At the time, there was only approval that pedicle screws could be used on single-level surgeries,” says Dr. Hynes.  “Now we use them at multi-levels.  The pedicle screws ultimately won the day, but with public stimulation ‘in the news’ in the early 1990s, we almost lost the ability to use them.  This was a public attack on the advent of a new fusion technology, and now we are seeing similar phenomenon’s with BMP and other medical products.”

Covering the cost of BMP

In some cases, surgeons may have a difficult time receiving reimbursement for BMP products because they were more expensive in the past.  Dr. Hynes and his colleagues have worked with hospitals and surgery centers to cover the cost in both out-of-network and in-network contracts.  In some cases, patients are willing to cover the cost of using stem cells with BMP.  Due to the success and demand, the cost has now become competitive considering operative costs of iliac bone surgery or allograft.  “The increased volume of use and effectiveness has caused a dramatic decrease in cost,” says Dr. Hynes.

“I see patients from out of the Country and they are usually cash pay patients,” says Dr. Hynes.  “We have to line item every part of the procedure to show the actual cost and there is almost no increased cost for the use of low concentrated BMP compared to iliac bone grafts or allograft when taking OR time, surgeon’s time and other OR costs into consideration.”

Fortunately, the hospitals in Dr. Hynes’ community allowed him to use BMP and conduct the clinical studies there.  “We have more experience in our community with the benefits of this technology because we started so early,” he says.  “Our surgeries are very efficient and our operative time is less because of our long-term experience with the procedure using stem cells and BMP.”

However, in some cases Dr. Hynes has made sacrifices to mitigate these costs.  “I think about what I could live without and forego those expenses for stem cells and BMP,” he says.  “I might use less expensive blades or a new set of tools for the next year.  I might continue to use my old led apron or do surgery without a super drape.  I’m there to give patients a better outcome and I want to make sure they have the opportunity to have the stem cells.”

More Articles on Spine Surgeons:

8 Spine Surgeons on the Future of Spinal Fusions

6 Spine Surgeons on How Young Surgeons Can Position Themselves for Success in the Future

What Percentage of Your Spine Practice is Medicare Patients?

Become Pain Free | Pain Specialist in Texas

Top Orthopedic Surgeons in Texas, Top Back Surgeons in Texas, Top Spine Surgeons in Texas

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Looking for an Orthopedic surgeon that you can trust is a daunting task. You do not want to chance that the person you are going to for ankle, knee, hip, or even spinal surgery may not be among the best in their field. Though this is a decision you have to make for yourself after meeting the orthopedic surgeons in person we are giving you a good start. Hopefully an end to your frustration even.

Orthopedic surgery is becoming ever more common as advancements allow for better hip and knee replacements which of course makes the demand for orthopedic surgeons higher. Find the best ones in Texas so you can find the surgeon that is right for you and your needs. Something as important as a hip replacement or any other orthopedic surgery, can’t be left to chance and all the time spent researching surgeons around can take up an awful lot of time. So here are the top orthopedic surgeons we have chosen in Texas.

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Steven J. Cyr, M.D.

Steven J. Cyr, M.D.

San Antonio, TXDr. Steven Cyr, is a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon who received extensive training to specialize in the delicate science of Spine Surgery. He has brought innovative techniques to the military and was the first to perform the total disc replacement procedure as well as endoscopic spinal surgery. He specializes in complicated spine issues and has gained notoriety for successful repairs of failed surgeries on patients from numerous other states and around the world.

Dr. Henrik Mike-Mayer, M.D.

2504 Ridge Road, #206, Rockwall, Texas, United States, 75087

Dr. Mike-Mayer is a fellowship trained Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon specializing in the non-operative and surgical treatment of spinal disorders. He completed his undergraduate degree at Drake University. He earned 

Dr. Neil D. Shah, MDDallas,, Tx, United States

Neil Dilip Shah, MD is a Board-Eligible Orthopedic Surgeon and Fellowship-Trained Spine Surgery. Dr. Shah brings a conservative approach to low back and neck pain while also offering the most current minimally invasive surgical techniques when a procedure 

Dr. Venkat Sethuraman M.D.2021 N. MacArthur Blvd, Irving, Tx, 75061

Mayo Fellowship Trained Board-Certified Spine Surgeon Minimally Invasive Spine Specialist Education Undergraduate: Rutgers College, New Brunswick, NJ Medical: Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Training Orthopaedic Surgery Residen 

Dr Saqib Siddiqui M.D.14450 T C Jester Boulevard #100, Houston, TX, 77014

BOARD ELIGIBLE ORTHOPEDIC and SPINE SURGEON Dr Siddiqui is proficient in treating cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal conditions and disorders whether they require surgical treatment or non-operative treatment. Degenerative disc disease is a common pro 

Dr. Eric Gioia, M.D2900 N I-35, Ste 110, Denton, Tx, USA, 76201

Dr. Eric Gioia has been practicing neurosurgeon in Texas for over 20 years. A graduate of the University of Mississippi Medical School (1979), Dr. Gioia completed his neurosurgical residency at the University of Tennessee, Memphis (1985) and served his su 

Dr. Huntly Chapman M.D.3900 Junius St., Dallas, Texas, 75246

Dr. Huntly Chapman is an fellowship trained Orthopedic Spine surgeon, specializing in the treatment of low back and neck pain. Dr. Chapman utilizes both conservative non-operative and surgical treatments. Dr. Chapman received his medical degree from th 

Dr. J. Kevin Kaufman, M.D.3625 Camp Bowie Boulevard, Fort Worth, TX, USA, 76107

Dr. Kaufman is a specialist in cerebrovascular, skull base and complex spine surgery. He has published numerous articles, manuscripts and abstracts on subjects such as brain tumors and complex spinal surgery. He has also made presentations on skull base a 

Dr. John A. Sazy, M.D.431 Omega Dr. #104, Arlington, TX, USA, 76014

Dr. John Sazy is a fellowship trained Orthopaedic Surgeon with extensive training in Spine Surgery with offices in Arlington and Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Sazy evaluates for and performs reconstructive spine surgery, revision spine surgery, scoliosis surger 

Dr. Kenneth J.H. Lee, M.D.16929 Southwest Freeway, Suite 100, Sugarland, TX, 77479

Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon Board Certified/Fellowship Trained Surgery of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine Kenneth J.H. Lee, M.D. Born in Chicago, Illinois and a native of North Carolina, Dr. Kenneth Lee graduated from Duke Universi 

Dr. Marvin Van Hal, MD2301 S Hampton Rd Suite 800, Dallas, TX, USA, 75224

Orthopedic spine surgery

Dr. Richard Marks, M.D.399 W. Campbell Rd. #408, Richardson, TX, USA, 75080

Knee/Lumbar Spine Surgery

Dr. Shawn Henry, DO3600 W 7th St, Fort Worth, TX, USA, 76107

Dr. Henry earned his Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine from Ohio University. He participated in a traditional rotating internship and an Orthopedic Surgery through Ohio University. Dr. Henry’s fellowship work was completed with the Texas Back Institut 

Telephone(214) 396-3647

Dr. Steve P. Courtney M.D.5228 W. Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX, United States, 75093

As a highly skilled specialist in surgical procedures involving the spine, Dr. Stephen P. Courtney has established an excellent reputation with his professional colleagues and patients. He is a board-certified, fellowship- trained orthopedic spine sur 

Telephone(214) 396-3647

Dr. Zach Kelley7777 Forest Lane, Bldg. C, Suite 500, Dallas, TX, 75230

Dr. Zach Kelley is a fellowship trained spine surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive spine procedures. Patients who have minimally invasive spine procedures have smaller incisions, less blood loss, and a shorter hospital stay. Dr. Zach Kelley co 

This List Endorsed by Call Us: (214) 396-3647 | (888) 373-3720  Fax #:  (888 )238-9155 | E-mail Us Treats

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Written by becomepainfree

January 31, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Posted in Laser Back Surgery, laser spine procedures, Laser Spine Surgery, Low back pain, Lumbar and Cervical Radiofrequency, Lumbar Microdiscectomy, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic Spine Surgeon, Mayo Clinic Trained Surgeons, Medical Education, MINIMALLY INVASIVE, minimally invasive disc healing, Minimally Invasive Laser Spine Surgery | Spine Surgeons | Dallas, minimally invasive procedures, Minimally Invasive Spine, minimally invasive spine procedures, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Minimally Invasive Stabilization, Minimally Invasive Surgery, MIS, Myofascial pain syndrome, Neck pain, Neck Pain Treatment Texas, Neuropathic Pain, non-invasive procedures, North American Spine Society, Open Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Overuse Injuries, Pain, pain disorders, Pain Doctor, Pain Doctor Dallas, Pain Doctor Fort Worth, Pain Doctor Irving, Pain Doctor Plano, Pain Doctor Texas, Pain Doctors, Pain Dr, pain management, Pain Medicine, Painful nerve injuries, Painful osteoarthritis, patients’ own stem cells, Pelvic pain/Genital pain, Pinnacle Pain, Pinnacle Pain Group, Positive Side Effects, posterior spinal fusion, Presbaterian Pain, Proven Results, PRP, Radicular Syndrome, Radiofrequency Ablation and Lesioning, Regenerative Medicine, Robotic Guided Spine Surgery, Robotic Spine Surgery, Rockwall Back Doctor, spinal cases from children, Spinal cord injury spasticity and pain, Spinal Cord Stimulator Trial, Spinal Fusion, Spinal Stenosis, Spine Microdiscectomy, Spine Pain Plano, Spine Surgery, Spine Surgery Addison, Spine Surgery Coppell, Spine Surgery Dallas, Spine Surgery Doctor, Spine Surgery Houston, Spine Surgery McKinney, Spine Surgery Mesquite, Spine Surgery Plano, Spine Surgery Robot, sports injuries, Stem Cell Therapy, stem cells, surgical treatment of spinal disorders, Texas, Texas Back Institute, Texas Health Pain, Texas Spine Consultants, Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy, True minimally invasive procedures, Work Comp Injury, Workers Compensation Injury

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Confusion about Spinal Fusion, Spine Fusion, Spine Fusion Surgery, Back Fusion Surgery, Back Surgery

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Spinal Fusion is used to treat spinal instability and alleviate chronic mechanical back pain but many people are unsure of what spinal fusion actually does.  Spinal fusion is surgery to permanently connect two or more vertebrae in your spine, eliminating motion between them.


Spinal fusion involves many techniques designed to mimic the normal healing process of broken bones. During spinal fusion, your surgeon places bone or a bone-like material within the space between two spinal vertebrae. Metal plates, screws and rods may be used to hold the vertebrae all together, so they can heal into one solid unit.


Because spinal fusion surgery immobilizes parts of your spine, it changes the way your spine can move. This places additional stress and strain on the vertebrae above and below the fused portion, and may increase the rate at which those areas of your spine degenerate.

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Become Pain Free | Pain Specialist in Texas

Minimally Invasive Stabilization, MIS

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A procedure that relieves certain painful spine conditions

Minimally invasive stabilization (MIS) at is performed in an outpatient environment for patients who are in search of a minimally invasive approach to spine fusion.

When compared to open fusion procedures, the advantages of minimally invasive stabilization performed at hospitals include:


Currently, Laser Spine Institute offers a few types of minimally invasive stabilization surgical procedures to treat problematic discs that other types of endoscopic spine surgery do not treat.

Minimally invasive stabilization commonly treated conditions:

Less than 3 percent of patients that seek endoscopic spine procedures at are recommended for a minimally invasive stabilization procedure. General anesthesia is used for minimally invasive stabilization surgery at Laser Spine Institute, but the recovery time following surgery is fairly quick, resulting in the patient being able to leave the facility within a few hours postoperatively. The minimally invasive stabilization technique used on a patient will depend on the specific character of the patient’s problem.

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Mayo Clinic, Spine Surgeon, Spine Surgeon Dallas, Back Doctor Dallas, Dr. Venkat Sethuraman M.D.

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Mayo Clinic Plummer Building (seen from Mayo B...

Mayo Clinic Plummer Building (seen from Mayo Bldg floor 16) in Rochester, Minnesota (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Venkat Sethuraman, M.D. Spine Surgeon Dallas Texas

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mayo Fellowship Trained Board-Certified Spine Surgeon 
Minimally Invasive Spine Specialist

Education Undergraduate: Rutgers College, New Brunswick, NJ

Medical: Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Training Orthopaedic Surgery

Residency: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Spine

Fellowship: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Hospital Affiliations Baylor Irving Medical Center Irving Coppell Surgical Center Irving


Coppell : Texas

2021 N. MacArthur Blvd 400 West IH 635 Bldg. @, Suite 115

Irving: Texas

Plaza 1, Suite 200
Irving, TX 75061
Irving, TX 75063

Plano: Texas

2301 Marsh Lane,
Plano, TX 75093

The Spine Physicians Institute  treats a full range of spine problems, and our Mayo Fellowship trained board-certified spine surgeon, Dr. Sethuraman, keeps current on the newest advances in spinal care including minimally invasive spine surgery and disc replacement. Dr. Sethuraman is committed to making your treatment as easy on you as possible. Most of the services you will need are handled on-site, with access to the most sophisticated technology to provide you with the best care available. We care for patients within the local geographic area, from multiple other states, and also from internationally. Please free to contact our office to assist you with any travel arrangements. It is here that these individuals find that the Patients Interest is the Only Interest!

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